Tag Archives: jerry seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld: My Relationship Ref

6 Apr

Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to watch Seinfeld. In fact, you’d typically hear my mom saying, “Samia, go to your room!” whenever my older brother was watching this (or Friends. I was also sent to my room when my dad watched “90210” and “Melrose Place.” Don’t ask me why my dad chose the programming he did.)

Well well well, mom… looks like I’ve one upped you! Not that I was holding a 15-plus-year-grudge or anything…but. I’ve met Jerry Seinfeld. Well, more like interviewed him. OK well, not even that, really. I actually got relationship advice from him.

Confused? Well…Seinfeld is the executive producer of the new reality show, “The Marriage Ref,” a show that features couples who are fighting. Comedian-host Tom Papa and a panel of celebs give their take on the fight.

Obviously I had to ask them (Seinfeld and Papa) about their take on my “issue.” I won’t give it all away (you’ll have to click on the one-minute clip below to find out) but let’s just say… these guys think I’m funny.